Calculate Your Age

How old are you now? Enter your birth date in Gregorian or Hijri to get your current age in years, months, days, minutes and seconds.

Your birth date in Gregorian
Your birth date in Hijri
Your age
Your birth day cannot be in the future!
20 years, 1 month and 17 days
Your age in Hijri
20 years, 9 months, 1 day
Your Gregorian birthday
1 Jan (January) 2005
Your Hijri birthday
20 Dhul Qidah 1425
Your sign
Your age in months
242 months
Your age in Hijri months
249 Hijri months
Your age in days
7,353 days
Your age in hours
176,472 hours
Your age in minutes
10,588,320 minutes
Your age in seconds
635,299,200 seconds
Your next birthday in days
317 days