Convert 200000 Rood to Arpent: 200000 Rood in Arpent

This calculator allows you to convert from Rood to Arpent and in a reverse direction. To convert from Rood to Arpent, enter the amount of Rood into the first input and to convert from Arpent to Rood, enter the amount of Arpent into the second input.

200000 Rood = 50068.965517242 Arpent

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How to convert 200000 Rood to Arpent?

200000 Rood equal 50068.965517242 Arpent.

Every 1 Rood = 0.25034482758621 Arpent and so, 200000 Rood = 200000 multiplied by 0.25034482758621 = 50068.965517242 Arpent.


What is meant by a "rood"?

Rood is a unit of area in the imperial system. It is used widely in surveying. Note that the term "rod" can be used instead of "rood" to express the same area unit.

Rood can be easily converted into acre as a quarter of an acre equals the area of 1 rood wide and 40 roods long.

How to Convert 10 Rood into square pole?

10 rood = 10 × 40 square pole = 400 square pole


What is the arpent?

Arpent is a unit of length. It was used before the usage of the metric system. Nowadays it is used in some places such as Mauritius and Quebec.

Rood to Arpent Conversions Table

199990 Rood = 50066.462068966 Arpent
199991 Rood = 50066.712413794 Arpent
199992 Rood = 50066.962758622 Arpent
199993 Rood = 50067.213103449 Arpent
199994 Rood = 50067.463448277 Arpent
199995 Rood = 50067.713793104 Arpent
199996 Rood = 50067.964137932 Arpent
199997 Rood = 50068.21448276 Arpent
199998 Rood = 50068.464827587 Arpent
199999 Rood = 50068.715172415 Arpent
200000 Rood = 50068.965517242 Arpent
200001 Rood = 50069.21586207 Arpent
200002 Rood = 50069.466206898 Arpent
200003 Rood = 50069.716551725 Arpent
200004 Rood = 50069.966896553 Arpent
200005 Rood = 50070.21724138 Arpent
200006 Rood = 50070.467586208 Arpent
200007 Rood = 50070.717931035 Arpent
200008 Rood = 50070.968275863 Arpent
200009 Rood = 50071.218620691 Arpent
200010 Rood = 50071.468965518 Arpent