Hijri Age Calculator

To calculate your age in Hijri, enter your birth date in Gregorian or Hijri to get your current age in years, months, days, minutes and seconds.

Calculate your age in Hijri from your Hijri birth date
Calculate your age in Hijri from your Gregorian birth date

Your age

20 years, 3 months and 24 days

Your age in Hijri

20 years, 11 months, 8 days

Your Gregorian birthday

Thursday 1 Jan (January) 2004

Your Hijri birthday

Thursday 9 Dhul Qidah 1424

Your sign


Your age in months

244 months

Your age in Hijri months

251 Hijri months

Your age in days

7,420 days

Your age in hours

178,080 hours

Your age in minutes

10,684,800 minutes

Your age in seconds

641,088,000 seconds

Your next birthday in days

251 days