Convert 5 Liter to Barrel (oil): 5 Liter in Barrel (oil)

This calculator allows you to convert from Liter to Barrel (oil) and in a reverse direction. To convert from Liter to Barrel (oil), enter the amount of Liter into the first input and to convert from Barrel (oil) to Liter, enter the amount of Barrel (oil) into the second input.

5 Liter = 0.03144905385216 Barrel (oil)

Liter to Cubic meter | Liter to Cubic centimeter | Liter to Cubic foot | Liter to Gallon (US) | Liter to Cubic inch | Liter to Milliliter | Liter to Cubic yard | Liter to Microliter |

How to convert 5 Liter to Barrel (oil)?

5 Liter equal 0.03144905385216 Barrel (oil).

Every 1 Liter = 0.0062898107704321 Barrel (oil) and so, 5 Liter = 5 multiplied by 0.0062898107704321 = 0.03144905385216 Barrel (oil).


What is liter?

In the past, liter was defined as the volume of one kilogram of pure water at 4 °C. Nowadays, liter is an important unit of volume used in the metric system which is equal to one cubic decimeter.

In other words, a cubic with 10 cm sides, has a volume of one liter. "L" is the symbol of liter. Liter has a french origin as it was derived from the french unit "Litron".

Liter is widely used, however, the cubic meter is the main SI unit of volume.

Liter to Barrel (oil) Conversions Table

1 Liter = 0.0062898107704321 Barrel (oil)
2 Liter = 0.012579621540864 Barrel (oil)
3 Liter = 0.018869432311296 Barrel (oil)
4 Liter = 0.025159243081728 Barrel (oil)
5 Liter = 0.03144905385216 Barrel (oil)
6 Liter = 0.037738864622593 Barrel (oil)
7 Liter = 0.044028675393025 Barrel (oil)
8 Liter = 0.050318486163457 Barrel (oil)
9 Liter = 0.056608296933889 Barrel (oil)
10 Liter = 0.062898107704321 Barrel (oil)
11 Liter = 0.069187918474753 Barrel (oil)
12 Liter = 0.075477729245185 Barrel (oil)
13 Liter = 0.081767540015617 Barrel (oil)
14 Liter = 0.088057350786049 Barrel (oil)
15 Liter = 0.094347161556481 Barrel (oil)